Success is not a destination.

Mayur Sarda
4 min readOct 6, 2020

Recently I got a call from a friend who requested me to guide her younger sister, who is confused regarding whether to make a career in writing or not. I asked my friend what’s her age; he said 16. I didn’t give a damn about life goals at her age, and she was already confused regarding her career.

After two days, I met her, and I informed her about the various opportunities in writing. I was very polite and helpful until she started asking questions.

The first question she asked me what are her chances of getting successful in the field of writing? The question didn’t go well with me. I tried to curb my irritation because I knew this question did not come from her but social media influence. I ducked the question and made her realize that she should focus on her writing instead of success.

When the second time she asked me the same question, I was ready to kill her myth.

Ruthlessly I said that she doesn’t deserve success because she has no talent. I know she must have felt bad, but someone has to break down her false belief regarding SUCCESS.

I told her that the idea of her success came from social media. She must have seen so many young teens are getting quick success on Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube. So, she has her eyes on success rather than building her skill and becoming a talented individual.

When people succeed very quickly in life, they don’t value it, and they think it is effortless to attain it. Once these one-time wonders lose their grip on success, they succumb to depression and even commit suicide.

I told her she must enjoy her teenhood and not strain herself and her family regarding the success she wants to achieve. She reluctantly agreed that she would focus on her skills.

After meeting her, I started evaluating myself am I doing my work to succeed or hone my skills.

Below are the few points we all must ponder before thinking about success.

1)Social media influence

Social media has hijacked our lives, and it has become challenging not to get influenced by the content on it. Young kids are under constant pressure to become successful, and they care less about building up skills.

If any teenager is earning in millions today, it doesn’t mean that every teenager must aspire to become a millionaire.

At this age, the prime focus of life should be to observe everything around you. But I don’t think these kids have any fault in it; social media influence us all.

The expectation of perfect wife, ideal job, fantastic vacation all came from social media.

People pissed off in their real-life, but they look so happy on social media. So, we all are the culprit in building this illusory expectation of success in young kids.

2) Evolve

Just imagine if our ancestors didn’t evolve, we must have been living in a cave with big teeth and lightening a fire by rubbing wood together. Only through evolution, we are living a comfortable life. This evolution also becomes a curse as we do not have to thrive much for necessities like food, water, etc.

We are not even grateful for it and started taking it for granted. We are focused on getting short term gratification through sex, junk food, internet, etc.

Our prime focus has turned to pleasure-seeking and attaining success and not evolving ourselves as human beings. The best version of yourself does not always come from making money. There are ethics that we should imbibe in our life to become a better individual.

We all must focus on evolving and not on success.

3) Deceiving yourself

One must have dreams of doing something outstanding in life but deluding yourself of your reality is not good. If you are frustrated by not achieving your goals on time(set by you), you are highly ignorant. Many factors work for your success, like your environment, motivational level, commitment, colleagues, and even the food you eat. (Yes, food does matters)

I think we all are deceiving reality by not accepting our real situations in life. I am not saying that you should not have goals but getting too possessive regarding its success is not wise. Do not deceive yourself that you will achieve your goal within the stipulated time; you must focus on doing your KARMA.

Don’t forget that it’s not the end of the world if you will not succeed within a stipulated time; keep your eyes on learning and not succeed.



Mayur Sarda

Check out my debut novel ,THE BOON... WAITING TO BE DISCOVERED. My blogging website